Top 3 Board Games Campaigns on Kickstarter

The Board Games section of Kickstarter is quite popular as hundreds of campaigns are live at any given time, and as campaigns end, others begins. But just how important is the Board Games section to the company, and how well does it return? Given that 4 of the 10 largest Kickstarter campaigns in the company’s history come from a type of game, e.g. 40% of their biggest fundraisers can be categorized as a video game (1), tabletop game (1), board game (1), or playing cards (1), I would say their overall Games section is pretty important.

Top Campaigns on Kickstarter 




Funding Levels

Total Funds

Cooperative Game



Card Game



Cooperative Game



For a list of the Top 10 Funded Board Games, Evil as a Hobby has a nice list. If you’re looking for your next big break, perhaps consider designing a board game. For video games, over 3x as many fail as succeed. While that’s not necessarily a statistic for board games, it’s a good number to keep in mind when considering your own Kickstarter campaign. And if that is the case, an absolute must read is A Crowdfunder's Strategy Guide - Build A Better Business, by Building Community by Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier games. 

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