About Us

Hi, and Welcome to BestBoardGaming!

As a board game enthusiast, there is nothing I like more than playing board games. I love the general format of a game, that you play and interact with other people, and the challenge. I have made tons friends through the board game community, and learned a ton. One of the reasons I started this blog is because I want to share my interest in board games with those who are newer to gaming.

The other reason I started BestBoardGaming is since I can't fathom doing anything else that is more fun than playing games, I want to share my passion and experiences, so that you can find games that you love too.

Thus, one of our goals is to provide the best curated board game recommendations. We spend hundreds of hours playing and testing games so that you can discover the best games to play with your friends and family.


Diane <3

Photo of self

The Team

We are a small team of gamers, writers, thinkers, and movers and shakers. We strive to bring you the best curated gaming recommendations across genres including strategy/euro, classics, and more, and expand the role of gaming in your life.

Prashanth Pandian

Prashanth Pandian is our resident photographer. A gamer with favorites that include Dominion, Scythe, and Gloomhaven, he's tough to beat on the board game battlefield. His other hobbies include space, and cats.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear your thoughts and unique insights when it comes to your favorite games, board game design, and topics. Contact Us for comments and/or questions.