Edible Board Games

Just when you thought you had seen it all. At least everything related to board games, you learn that there is some next level gaming going on right under your nose. Such is the case with edible board games. 

Part gourmand and part game developer, Jenn Sandercock of Edible Games, has created the most spectacular Edible Games Cookbook with over 300 pages of games and delectable recipes to read and revel in, and of course eventually eat and play.

Her site boasts glorious pictures of all the games and descriptions, a total of 12, including the Oven Mitt which looks like chess, where you not only play and consume the pieces, but also fulfill Rituals which include unwrapping the "sacred object" and making 5 kissing noises in a row, or making delicate hand gestures and neighing like a horse.

If you don't want to be initiated into the Order of the Oven Mitt, then perhaps you want to be the Master Taster (this sounds more up my alley) and play a game that is part memory and part about your taste buds. Or, play the Patisserie Code and solve encrypted messages while eating cream puffs.  If you think you are better at mixing flavors, spices, and food combinations, then give Taste Bud is Blind a try and see if you can beat the other players and come up with the best flavor profiles. Clearly, Jen Sandercock has cooked up something for everyone.

order of the oven mitt game

Quite frankly, it's no longer good enough to win at a grueling (but of course fun) 5 hour game or use every ounce of your brain power to win (or lose by 2 points) at Die Macher, Rajas of the Ganges, or Clank! In! Space! Now you have to bake the game board and game pieces too! 

It should thus come as no surprise to learn that the Edible Games Cookbook surpassed it's $80,000 goal to hit $104,369 with 1,615 backers on Kickstarter in July. Since the stretch goal of 100k was also met, every backer also gets a "Baker's Dozen" so 13 games! 

Edible Games have won a series of accolades, and can easily bring friends and families together, those with a knack for creativity, those who aren't into strategy games, and those who love to host, as noted on the Kickstarter page. If this post hasn't convinced you to start making and eating your own games, then you clearly have not spent enough time on the Edible Games website.

Also, if you think these edible games are easy, boy are you wrong as not only do you have to make all of the game pieces yourself, and play a game you have never played before with these pieces, you might even have to nibble on these fresh baked treats to get them fit on in your new game board!

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